Semperfli Cheeky UV

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Semperfli Cheeky UV

SKU: S3HLX0CSLZ Category: Tags: ,


Cheeky UV  is a product we were asked to design by a top competition angler who wanted holographic cheeks on a thin film for buzzers / chironomids. Cheeky UV  is a ultra thin UV film that glows extremely vibrantly under UV torches or sunlight. Highly versatile Cheeky UV  is a plastic film it can be stretched thin or used directly from the spool for lateral lines, as bodies with ribbing over, for winging and is ideal for buzzer or chironomid cheeks or as uv tail stubs.

Perfect for buzzers sizes 8 to 16 or Cheeky UV can be stretched thinner for smaller buzzer cheeks and has no build up whatsoever of buzzers. Cheeky UV is perfect for competition scene buzzers/chironomids or vibrant heads! Stretch it even thinner for cheeks. Do try Cheeky UV  for lateral lines, uv tails, ribbing or hotspots.

There are 15m / 16.4 yards (approx ) per spool of Cheeky UV

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Orange, Green, Pink, White, Yellow

Semperfli Cheeky UV

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